Elizabeth of Sovereign

Writer, Storyteller, Teacher, Speaker

I am Elizabeth.
A good woman living a simple and sovereign life in a little yellow cottage in Sarasota, Florida.
I used to be an overthinker, locked in a mental prison of constantly weighing one probability against another, anxiously seeking the Truth like it was lost somewhere in an endless sea of conflicting data. I had to make life happen, prove my mastery, purify my energy field, choose the right path and avoid the many dangers - both in this world and the unseen dimensions beyond.
But during a strange period of absurd and traumatic life transformations from 2017 until 2022, I wrote an ontology. While I was surviving a bear attack, living off apricots and magic in a tent with my young and homeless children, learning the healing arts, experiencing a metaphysical formula for manifesting manna, and discovering my own unique friendship with a personal Savior, I synthesized and wrote as much as I could about what Christ was revealing to me in our daily conversations.
This ontology helped me organize my heart's intelligence, untangling and re-arranging my endless mental processing into a lacy doily of linear illustrations to help me understand who I am and why I'm here. To describe ineffable ideas and connections, I've used the language of my own life: a lovely blend of Magic, Genius and Jesus. Even though my language is peculiar, the subject of our experiment is universal, so I ask that you suspend any religious or cultural sensitivities and allow Truth to emerge anyway—we already agree we are One.
I called the ontology
The Sovereign Way
Organizing the mystery of Being
The Sovereign Way model and language showed a way of healing, freedom, mastery and service that would always manifest uniquely for each person inside their destiny to be a part of a greater unfolding human epic.
Over the years, as I've shared this work in diverse settings, I've spent intimate time with people everywhere saying the same thing. From the Episcopal priest to Chinese Medicine doctors, yogis, Lutherans and psychiatrists, the pagan priestess and the billionaire heiress turned hippie poet, the stay-at-home mom and the Evangelical pastor, the off-grid hemp farming family and the corporate entrepreneur: We are being led along a Sovereign Way far beyond the cold walls of religiosity and status quo, yet we keep finding each other:
We know that our connection with God is not in a distant Heaven locked behind gates of theological correctness, nor the end-result of a performance-driven ascension through dimensions of increasing purity and mastery. We remember that we are free to know God independent of structures we’ve been born into or raised through. We know Love is the Truth and the Truth is Love, and day by day we’re getting better at discerning what’s not. We know we have the spiritual worth and authority to be who we are and worship the way we do, and we seem different from the world by our choice to live authentically. We follow the heart, dissolving generational highways and opening curious new paths far beyond the borders of the expectations we were born into. We remember that every manifest thing is part of one unified field, and that our mind, energy and actions are authorized to heal things of the natural world, like our bodies and rivers. What’s more, we’ve made the decision—Chosen—to be someone equipped and poised to act for Love when it matters, dedicating our lives and vocations to serve our human family and a shared vision for a brighter tomorrow.
But things are getting complicated.
How do you abide in inner peace when the world seems like a rapidly unfolding catastrophe? The soul of the world is at war with itself. Ecosystems are shifting, media broadcasts are horrifying, millions are suffering, we have no control. Dictators rule, races are being annihilated, deepfake information is embedded with the siren's call into eternal confusion and distrust, the mainstream consciousness is losing hope.
Maybe any attempt to create something beautiful is as naive as setting out with a bucket and spade to build a little castle in a ruthless sandstorm.
But the gong has bonged. And we agreed. So our job in the midst of all this chaos is to Know the prevailing agreement—Love Wins—and act accordingly. The only way we can fulfill this assignment is if we have the freedom to follow God's unique path for us, a Sovereign Way free from influence and manipulation, where His presence fills us up and overflows regardless of who's ego is trying to control the world within and around. That access to a sovereign source is the simplest alchemy in the world. Peace spreads like ripples on the surface of the cool oasis pond in the midst of a forever sandstorm.
There are millions of us who are animated by the waters in the oasis, living peacefully and creating Heaven on Earth, as we agreed to do when we heard the bong. Many stay in the safety of the abundant growth and endless provision in the oasis, living good and simple lives all over the world. And many head back out into the sandstorm, to seek out the lost wanderers and give them a lens to see the Sovereign Way home.

Some people join my subscription membership, The Oasis. Imagine, in the midst of the wild sand storm, suddenly emerging a place of poise, spiritual enlivening and new faith. Deep wells of trust. Fresh bread for the Way ahead. We meet in this place every Monday for fellowship, to reflect on the week's stories, ask questions, practice, read together, and share some time with God before we go back out into the desert to carry water and spread seeds. People come and people go. Some people stay. It's the refreshment in the moment that counts, an immediate access to a wellspring of faith that never runs out.
Organizing the mystery of Being
Some people work with me privately to cross this strange, new threshold on your sovereign way. As a master ontologist, I help you organize your understanding and gain lightness and clarity, and I make my living with my top-notch processor with an IQ of 140 that synthesizes rapid solutions and untangles mysterious, non-linear connections, connecting to your own genius mind without either of us losing the genuine human compassion for what you're experiencing.
Sovereign human intelligence.

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