✨👑✨A Thought Experiment: How to Be A Miracle-Worker (in 12 Easy Steps) Imagine you've been put here in this Life at this time to help create a genuine impact in the course of history. Let's say you feel in your bones that you were called to help awaken and equip humanity for a new Way of being. Perhaps you've discovered extraordinary spiritual awareness and exquisite gifts that set you apart from the mainstream. You remember you're a miracle-worker - in fact, you're on commission in a coordinated plan, led by Jesus Christ. Enjoy a tapestry of sermons, stories and real life actions to help you live even more as the miracle-worker you already remember you are, to make the impact for others that you're called for. Discover who the anointed ones are, recognize the metaphysics of conscious miracle-work, and become even more equipped for the extraordinary adventures yet to come.
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